It’s Car Servicing Time
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Any Make & Model
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Massive Dealer Savings
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6 Months Please
Service Due
All Vehicle Manufacturers
I Think I Will Have Genuine Parts This Time
Ford Parts Here
I’m All Vauxhall
For All Manufacturers
No Dealers Bill’s For Us
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For your vehicle to be as reliable and efficient as possible your vehicle manufacturer recommends scheduled replacement of certain components and the checking of others as well as liquid top ups. These vary dependant on manufacturer, make model and age. They are essential for you to get the most out of your motor with absolute minimal down time, maximum safety and resale value.
We’ve been servicing Chesterfield’s cars, vans and light commercial vehicles since 1983. As you can imagine over the years we have serviced most manufacturers vehicles that have driven on Chesterfield’s roads and we would be delighted to service yours.
Keeping your vehicles’s schedule up to date will help save you pounds.
We can service any vehicle including new vehicles without affecting your warranty
If you would like us to service your car you can call us on: 01246 455 863. You can book car service Monday, Tuesday & Friday from 8AM to 5PM and Wednesday & Thursday 8AM to 6PM at our Chesterfield garage near Sheffield.